About Us

Welcome to ICITEICS-25

The Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT) is organizing 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Intelligent Communication Systems (ICITEICS) to provide an international open forum for educators, engineers and researchers to disseminate their latest research work and exchange views on the future research directions ICITEICS-25 will be held at Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT), Bangalore, India on 29 to 30 Aug 2025 with a focus to target the research on emerging technologies. ICITEICS-25 will be a blended version of conference wherein online as well as offline presentations mode will be there considering social distancing guidelines.

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Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements


Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT)

Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT) is a premier institute of Karnataka ReddyJanaSangha established in the year 1999, named after DharshanikaMahayogi "VEMANA" saint of a tall order and a social reformer who reached the common people with his simple and straightforward VEMANA PADYAMULU, three-stanza oral poetry, very popular mouthpieces of the common people that serve as the medicine for worldly ailments. He is our guiding spirit. The institute is approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by the Department of Higher education Govt. of Karnataka, and Affiliated to VTU Belgavi. The institute has been recognized for accreditation status by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) New Delhi from the academic year 2020-21. We have 6 undergraduate programs with an intake of 600 students in CSE, ISE, ECE, ME, CE, AI& ML. Also, the Institute has 5 VTU-approved Research Centers.

During 2018 - 19 Vemana IT has reached a milestone with the sanction of a Business Incubation center by the Ministry of MSME, (MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES) Govt. of India, to promote research, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills among students. The center nurtures the innovative ideas of students with technical know-how in the product development process and assists in getting funds from MSME. Vemana IT created an in-house startup eco-system to encourage internships and employment for students.